The Annual Schuette Pumpkin Carving took place on October 31 (only 3 hours until Trick or Treating!) Here is the gang working out their designs....

Gabe playing with the "insides" of the pumpkin....

The carving has now begun......

My table....

Ali, Ben and Gabe show off Ali and Ben's finished pumpkins.....

Now on to Trick or Treating....Ben was a "scary" pizza delivery driver.....

Ben's Pizza "It's too die for!".....

Gabe was a hobo......And before anyone calls DCFS there was NO WINE in the bottle!

I love is face in this one.....

Trick or Treating.....

Here is Beau with his pumpkin....

I got Shakes a new costume this year.....A Witch! She was really good about wearing it.

Ali with Cheese also wearing Shakes witch hat...

And Abby....She went as a Verizon saleswoman!

We had a good time and the kids got a ton of candy....