Ali graduated from Effingham High School yesterday, Sunday May 18. It was a beautiful day (just a little windy). After the ceremony we had cook out at Bliss Park. We are so proud of her and we know she is going to do whatever she sets her mind too!!!
Alicia Marie Pauline Schuette........Class of 2008!!! WOW.......

Walking know the song....I think it went on for about 10 minutes......

The 2008 Graduating Class.......Ali was sitting 6 rows back, 4 seats over (on this side)

Ali and her friends.......

Ali walking across the stage to get her diploma......She was smiling the whole time.

Ali and her diploma!!! The funny thing is all of them were blank! :) They still have school/final exams this week so they will not get the signed one until next week.....Talk about just going through the motions!

Ali and Lauren......They are best friends......

Effingham High School........This is only half the school, it's a huge campus.

Gabe trying on the "hat"......he's only got 12 more years (Class of 2020)!!

Ali and the parents.......

Ali and the whole family.....

Ali and Grandma & Grandpa Schuette......

Ali and Grandpa Bo......

Ali and her cake......YUMMMMMM....