Gabe had his Mother's Day Program at ELC yesterday. All the songs were an "American" theme. They had some great songs. They also did a song "You are My Mom" that was so sweet it had everyone in the room crying. They also did a great tribute to Mrs. Connie Dust, who was a teacher that passed away in November. She was a special lady. She was Beau's kindergarten teacher. They sang the song "I Hope You Dance", since that was her song she always had playing on power point of her students when the parents come to visit. On a sad note.....this is my LAST ELC program :( I can't believe I don't get to go to anymore kindergarten programs.....I love kindergarten!! Between kindergarten and preschool we have spent 7 years at ELC with the's a special place for us.
See Gabe?? His right in the middle of the photo....

This is 3 Kindergarten classes.......

He got to do the triangle in one of the songs.....

Mom and Gabe....I just love his smile :)

Here is Gabe with his teacher Ms. B. (her name is Valerie Broeringmeyer, but it's easier to say Ms. B!) This is her first year teaching her own class. She has done a great job with Gabe and the other kids.
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