Create your own FACEinHOLE
Isn't this funny!!!! Just found this site and had to try it out. Brian is a HUGE Sopranos fan so I thought this would be fun!! Try it out.....go to www.faceinhole.com
As for the boys' Easter baskets....yes we got the "pre made" ones. I never thought I would be one of "those" moms that get those kind of baskets (not that there is anything wrong with them I just always enjoyed putting together the baskets), however we got them one last year and they loved them......they are so easy! This will be Beau's last year for a basket (he told us this when we gave it to him). We did not forget the girls....they got gift cards to get a new outfit.
Hope everyone had a great day.......I am off to take a nap.
PS....as we speak Aunt Carmen is out with Abby helping her learn to drive (To me Carmen is a Saint!!)