It's the end of the school year....what does that mean? School Programs! Having 5 kids it's a never ending job to go schools and watch the kids perform. The teachers really do a good job getting the kids ready for these programs. Having seen ALOT of programs it's still fun to see the kids having fun. Ask Brian this is one of his favorite parts of being a parent!! ;)
Here is Ben's 3rd Grade Program entitled "Saturday".....This is at Central School.....

They sang songs about what they do on Saturdays and why it's their favorite day of the week..

Ben had to come up and say one line "Where is the football?".....he did a great job!!

Now Gabe's class had a classroom play. They sang and acted out all the things they have learned in 1st Grade. They did a great job too.....

Do you think he's happy to see me?
Only about 3 weeks left of school and we still have Abby's Band Concert, Beau's Mentor Party, Southside Carnival and Beau's Graduation (and I think there is something I am missing). We can make it......then SUMMER!!!!!