Today, Monday was a busy way to start the first full week of summer vacation. It's started early in the morning with the sounds of the crane starting to take down the old St. Anthony Grade School that just a block south of our house. This is the grade school that alot of Brian's family went to and still do (also Ali, Abby & Beau went there for a few years too). St. Anthony was blessed with a new Grade School that they have been working on the last year and will be opened in the Fall. Here is a view of the Northside of the old school.

And this is what woke us up this morning and has been providing some free entertainment for the boys....

Gabe is ready for a good show....he just missing his popcorn......

Here is Fr. Leo, he's our pastor and he is being interviewed by an area news channel....The boys thought that was really cool Fr. Leo is going to be on TV!

Here is Ben trying to help keep up some of the construction......

This was taken later this afternoon(you can compare the earlier photos to see how much they got done) can see the new school just behind's really nice. They are scheduled to keep tearing down the school tommorrow and Wednesday.....Yeah...more entertainment!!! Also I wanted to point out that you can see the Church stepple from this photo.....

During the time of them watching the demo we had to take a break and honor some of the soldiers (National Guard) that are returning to the area....The welcome route came right in front of our house, although we had to come to the other side of the road cause there were cars parked in front of our house from traffic being stopped.....

There were people as far as I could see up and down Third Street......The boys were so funny with their flags. They were waving them in ways that looked like they were trying to help land airplanes on the road!!!
Here comes the soldiers......

Thank you for your service........(see the hands waving outside the bus?)

It was a busy day (watching demo of school, welcoming home soldiers, sales calls, bank deposits, eating breakfast, making lunch, meeting delivery truck, doctor's visit for Brian's stuffy nose, downloading over 100 photos (just from today), blogging, post office, house payment, truck issues, breaking up a few disagreements between the boys and having a few myself with Abby, laundry, clean up kitchen, check e-mail, make iced tea, deciding on dinner and the day is not's been a busy day....I really hope that all the days of summer are not like this...I'm tired.
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